Aiko Shimada Music

           Musicians' Mentor & Producer

 "She showed me what it means to be singular with your vision yet extremely open at the same time.

-  Dave Carter, Composer/Trumpeter, Seattle, WA

My name is Aiko Shimada. I currently reside in northern California. I'm a musicians' mentor and producer who works with independent musicians of any genre. I like supporting musicians who are passionate about creating their own music. 

My job is to help an artist find their own voice/sound, as well as their own unique "success" whatever that might be. I have deep knowledge and experience as a musician, plus a real desire to help people sound true to who they really are. 

Do you feel stuck and not sure which direction to go musically? Do you lack confidence in your performance or recording? Do you have a bandmate problem? Or do you have problems being grounded, consistent, or patient with yourself or others, and wish to be able to know what to do? Do you have hard time moving forward or staying creative? 

Or, are you needing more practical guidance in your new recording, songwriting, how to present and share your music with your audience, or guidance in feeling stronger and more grounded in what you do?

Whatever the issues you may have, I can help you. 

May what you do flow from you like a river, no forcing, no holding back!  (my favorite quote by Rilke)

Please check out "Why Choose Me?" page to see why you might want to work with me.